Sunday, December 17, 2006

Poet in LoLove

what good is a poet in love?
-when it is the melancholic words
of his heart's discontent that amuses
the world so....
Pleased as anyone I know
laughing at his morose
moronic hackneyed pose in being
one of those old old
bitter rotten souls that
happen to be worth something at least...If only
For a poems senseless jibberish
and a couple of lines that read like gold...
A babblefish piss drunk
and wobbly wine bottle precariously
perched on a ball that has no sides at all
...yeah,a miracle really....

and often..
"he's a poet? but he's such a slob,
a goddamned pig really!
smells like cheese and cheap
booze...hasn't shaved in weeks
and his hair hangs loose
covering his eyes
when the wind wind don't blow...
he writes poems? really?
well, i'll be damned..
damned as he...(sound of bitter laughter
and his happily ever after pose)
sickening really...

what good is a poet in love?
love is a joke
that they won't let us in on...
...with a punchline that
just doesn't ever
ever really end...

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